Trip Information

The ride from LA to Boston is 49 days including 5 rest days. An average day will be 80 miles with a total of 12 century days - that's 100 miles!

My twin sister Pam, and my husband Dana, will see me off in LA and be waiting when I arrive in Boston.

Check out Crossroads in "my links" for tour details.

My 'BLOG GOAL' is to share a few thoughts each day~

Monday, July 14

Final Post

As many, many of you know the transition back into the real world hasn't exactly been paved with smooth pavement for me. I miss the life on the road, my new friends, and the ease of living out of two small bags.

I believe that I could quite easily live the life of a bike gypsy traveling from here to there and then maybe back again. For now, however, that isn't possible. In the mean time the pictures will help bridge the gap....maybe.

Five albums of pictures are posted in "My Favorite Links".


Very special thanks to Shelley making sense of all my pics....

Thursday, July 3

What about the pictures and the PTD?

Pictures will be posted soon. There are quite a few more than expected - Shelley is organizing them for me - she totally ROCKS!!

PTD (Post Tour Depression): Saying goodbye to my new friends after seven weeks was a miserable experience. The trip home wasn't any fun at all, however, I did have an amazing chicken sandwich in the Chicago airport - little things count! Adjusting to a closet at home rather than two bags of "stuff" was actually very hard to do. Coming back to my team at work - PRICELESS!

My Road Prayer

Oh Lord, I might be early - arriving on my bike
And we're not talking Harley, it's the carbon-fiber type....